Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Zeppelin and Spark: Transforming a CSV to Parquet

Transform a CSV file to Parquet Format

Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem.  Parquet is built to support very efficient compression and encoding schemes.  Twitter is starting to convert some of its major data source to Parquet in order to take advantage of the compression and deserialization savings.


Load the CSV file into an RDD

rdd = sc.textFile("/path/to/input/myfile.csv")
print rdd.take(5)

and the output looks like this:
[u'19999174,Logicknot,Cameron MacKinnon,0,Male, , , ', u'433249647,LogieTatjana,Tatjana Logie \u2653,0,Female, , , ', u'1346426538,Logistic_soares,Luciana Soares,0,Female, , , ', u'18355981,Loh69,Laurent Grad,0,Male, , , ', u'2976559335,LohMarta,Marta Loh,0,Female, , , ']


Now we need to convert the RDD into a Dataframe (DF):

df = rdd.\
    map(lambda x: x.split(",")).\
    filter(lambda x: len(x) == 8). \
    map(lambda x: {

The bad news is that this code might look complicated. The good news is that the code is a lot simpler than it appears.

The first map condition splits each record on the delimiter (a comma).  Now we're dealing with a list of 8 tokens per record.  The second condition (the filter) will reject any line that does not have 8 tokens.  The third, and final, map condition will take each token in the list and create a heading for it.

The output looks like this:
|age|age_max|age_min|country|        full_name|gender|  twitterhandle|    userid|
|   |       |       |      0|Cameron MacKinnon|  Male|      Logicknot|  19999174|
|   |       |       |      0|  Tatjana Logie ♓|Female|   LogieTatjana| 433249647|
|   |       |       |      0|   Luciana Soares|Female|Logistic_soares|1346426538|
|   |       |       |      0|     Laurent Grad|  Male|          Loh69|  18355981|
|   |       |       |      0|        Marta Loh|Female|       LohMarta|2976559335|

Note that we could have greatly simplified the code by just doing this:

df = rdd.\
    map(lambda x: x.split(",")).toDF()

And then we would have got this:
|        _1|             _2|               _3| _4|    _5| _6| _7| _8|
|  19999174|      Logicknot|Cameron MacKinnon|  0|  Male|   |   |   |
| 433249647|   LogieTatjana|  Tatjana Logie ♓|  0|Female|   |   |   |
|1346426538|Logistic_soares|   Luciana Soares|  0|Female|   |   |   |
|  18355981|          Loh69|     Laurent Grad|  0|  Male|   |   |   |
|2976559335|       LohMarta|        Marta Loh|  0|Female|   |   |   |

But presumably it's important to have column headers; hence the additional code in the first snippet above.

DF to Parquet

The final step is to transform the Dataframe into a Parquet file.

This can be accomplished in a single line:


Parquet to DF

Read the parquet file using this code:

df = sqlContext.read.parquet("/path/to/output/myfile")

And the output, as expected, looks like this:
|age|age_max|age_min|country|       full_name|gender|  twitterhandle|    userid|
|   |       |       |      0|nelson rodriguez|  Male| ojooooopublico|2771575827|
|   |       |       |      0|    Mary GarciaŠ°|Female|  ojor_ozefofuw|3056364751|
|   |       |       |      0|   Andres nucleo|  Male|ojosrastafara12|1035247920|
|   |       |       |      0|          Omaira|Female|      ojovalles| 183602059|
|   |       |       |      0|   Olivia Scotti|Female|       ojscotti|3072660401|

This saved us a significant amount of time. By saving as a parquet file, we not only achieve space efficiency on our cluster, but have the ability to rapidly load the parquet data into a Dataframe with the column headings we specified earlier.


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